Genetically Modified Crops in India

Genetically Modification is a technology that involves inserting DNA into genome of an organism. To Produce a GM Plant, new DNA is transferred into plants cells, giving it new or different characteristics. This could include changing the way the plant grows or making it resistant to a particular disease. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (Top Biotech Regular in India) has recently approved for further trials of genetically modified Mustard which has been developed by Delhi University. India is yet yet to approve commercial Cultivation of a GM food crop. The only genetically modified cash crop under commercial cultivation in India is Cotton.

GM CROP                        STATUS IN INDIA

          1.       Bt Cotton       Only genetically modified Crop under cultivation in India. Was first used   India in 2002

2.       Bt. Brinjal      In 2007 GEAC recommended release of BT Brinjal but faced block ion 2010

3.       GM Mustard   GEAC has given go ahead for tests of GM Mustard



There are some objections to use of GM crops which include the environment concerns, business interests behind  GM crops. Intellectual property rights etc. However GM crops are considered a Better option because of following reasons:

Positive Points about GM Crops

1.       Bigger yields create more efficient use of Land.

2.       GM food is one with better texture , Flavour and nutritional value

3.       Genetic Modification fives food with longer shelf life of easier shipping.

4.       Genetic Modification of Plants has potential  to provide edible plant vaccines that could be used tgo immunize diseases ranging form cholera to AIDS.

5.       GM crops are more disease resistant.




Negative points about GM Crops

1.       Genetic engineering reduces genetic diversity.

2.       Health consequences of eating GM crops are largely unknown.

3.       GM crops require massive amount of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

4.       Ecological damage by horizontal and vertical gene transfer might also take place.

5.       Business interest behind the GM crops is still doubtfull because the world’s largest supplier of GM crops seeds is MOSANTO which happens to be one of the largest producer of Pesticides and Herbicides too.




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